DITCH Poly-thene

Why read this Post? 

This post brushes up on your existing acumen about Plastics and delights you with some ticklish tone at play, as fun is essential in the day and age of political and social strain. Besides, it also presents the BIG TALK---

Q-What is the BIG TALK?

A- Eager to know? But, nothing comes easy dear. So you, lovely peeps, have to scroll bit more to witness the unveiling of Big Talk.

But Before That, Presenting--

Small Talk

Plastic-  Love me
              or hate me
              but you can't ignore me  ( enjoying the sunny day)

Human-  Hey, dude! Aren't you being extremely confident? This confidence might boomerang.

Plastic- Boomerang? hey, that's made up of me again. haha, the joke's on you.

Human- Okay, you are being over-smart now.

Plastic-  Haha! Words of jealousy. Have you had the traits, you wouldn't have allowed me to proliferate in the first place.

Human- Speechless!

Lets Begin

Plastic has become our arm-candy. From the time we wake up till the time we sleep, it is always in the vicinity. Moreover, we are so much surrounded by plastics that a 360 eyes tour can give you enough plastics to realise its prowess. To exemplify, take a look at the device you are holding now to read this blog. Yes Yes, the one you are holding discreetly.
It's PLASTIC too!

Some appreciative attribute

One might wonder, why has it become so much a part of our lives? Appreciated and Accepted.

So, it is the miraculous traits of durability and strength that have enabled it to make it this far. Besides being an extremely light material, it also qualifies as good portable. Moreover, it's production is easy-peasy, hence plunging the production cost.

Furthermore, for a  price-sensitive country like India, all the decisions are regulated on the basis of the price of a commodity. Hence, a godly blessing for the Indian Janta, if not the world.

Not-so- appreciative attribute

One can't deny its utility by any means. But, it's not completely innocuous. The biggest deal-- it is a non-biodegradable entity i.e. it can't be sucked in by mother earth, and neither can act as fodder for our microscopic pals.

Emphatically, Mortals are creating Immortals.

Somebody might argue---isn't it's okay for some matter to live and last long? Where is the harm? 

So, the real problem creeps in when we, humans, see ourselves as the centre of the universe and assume that our life qualifies for procuring supreme importance. We starkly forget that our survival is hugely based on the life of animals, birds and plants. And on that account, we dirt up the place mindlessly. When this dirt is mistaken for food by animals and birds, their survival is threatened. This is the kind of menace that plastics are creating.

Bharat state of affairs

Talking about our homeland. By now, everybody must be aware that our present "Purna bahumat ki Sarkar" has pronounced to phase out the aggressive usage of single-use plastic (SUP) by 2022. As of now, they are determined to ban 6 poly-made stuff, such as poly bags, straw, cups, plates, sachets. Clearly, the creation of their death beds is impending.

Will it be effective?
Reminiscing the past, one would realise that several times has the government come up with this notion to ban the plastics, but has apparently failed. Why? .........

Now, it's time to enjoy the Big Talk.


Human-  I know you have travelled across the world, have been in the hands of Britney Spears and Beyonce, but your time has ended now.

Plastic- Oh Surely! But, Aren't you saying this 110th time?

Human- Agrhhh!!! Ya Ya, fine.

Plastic-  I vividly remember the last time you said it. And the next day, shamelessly asking for me in the shop.

Human-  One forgets. 

Plastic-  You guys keep forgetting and keep bringing me back. Now, I've realised I am here to STAY. 

Human- Not this time Bruh! This time, We have a strict "B-A-N" power. 

Plastic- Dude, I get the excitement but you better understand that "BAN" will never avert me from coming back, unless you stop drooling over me.

Human- We aren't drooling.

Plastic- Yes you are. Whenever you are asked to jump to the paper bags. You keep coming back to me. Isn't that drooling?

Human- You are too full of yourself.

Plastic- Why shouldn't I. I have managed to live through all the BANS, successfully. 

Huma- You did, because we let you.

Plastic- Oh! you lovely people. I am very humbled and would like to say that I have lots of respect for you HUMANS for letting me outlive you.

Human- Speechless again!

I hope you got the gist.


  1. The conversation between the two hit real hard because that's really how things are. We rant about wanting a change but are too much of a chicken to give up on things that make our lives easy.

  2. It was such a good read. Itna hard hitting laga aur the way the message is being delivered via a conversation bit is too good. Very creative!


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